Our Services
The offer of e-sycare services has evolved over time, adapting to the market and the needs of its customers, always looking for innovative solutions in order to provide more efficient answers to its customers.
Care Services
Specialized Outsourcing Services, where careful attention to detail is important, and the ability to focus on results and objectives to achieve is crucial:
E-sycare provides its clients and partners with a team specialized in services and human resources outsourcing, in the health sector and in the services sector, thus allowing the identification of the best solutions, according to the specifications of each project.
Health Teams
Doctors, nurses, technicians and others.
Services Teams
Administrative, secretarial, customer support, and other across most businesses.
Third sector teams
Technical Directors, Project Coordinators, Social Animators, Social Assistants
Check of Medical Discharges.
Market Studies.
Service Level Testing using various techniques, such as the Mystery Client technique.
These services may be performed at the customer’s premises or at e-sycare, depending on the conditions and requirements of each case.
Quality Assurance of Services through:
▪ Goal setting and compliance monitoring.
▪ Creation and monitoring of appropriate management indicators.
Value Search
The e-sycare team of senior consultants seeks to identify each individual’s values by applying different methodologies in Recruitment and Selection processes based on Emotional Intelligence.
We always consider that the basic structure of each candidate is based on the following values:
Adaptability / Self-Control / Communicability / Dedication / Empathy / Initiative / Integrity / Leadership / Persuasion
Proven Experience:
We prove it at 360º
The knowledge gained is also important in the selection process, so the experience described in the Curriculum Vitae is only taken into account by e-sycare after it has been duly proven and certified.
Final Report:
We listen to and analyze the candidates’ stories and translate them to paper:
At the end of the process we present to the client a detailed report with the levels identified in the various components.
Direct Search:
If exists, E-sycare finds.
Organizations know that Talent is essential to achieving the desired results.
We put our expertise in “Direct Search” at the service of your organization.
You will only invest in us if the applicant integrates.
We are responsible for the successful integration of the candidate.
Next to You
At e-sycare we consider that advisory services should be close, since in order to maximize the benefit for our clients it is convenient to work together with the decision makers of the organization, namely when it comes to:
Management Consulting
We collect and process information to support management decisions, duly framed in the specific reality of your company.
Startup Support
When starting a business, you have to start all over from scratch, and every obstacle seems disproportionately large. We have several solutions to lessen the impact of these initial hurdles.
Preparation of Business Plans
In order to achieve an objective, it is necessary to draw up a multi-step plan, taking into account the most important aspects. Depending on the activity, the objectives to be achieved, the development phase of the company and the entrepreneurs themselves, the plans need to be adapted.
▪ Commercial Plan
▪ Marketing Plan
▪ Operational Plan
▪ Economic – Financial Plan
▪ SWOT Analysis
Payroll Services
Human Resources Process Management, from admission to termination, including:
▪ Drafting of employment contracts and contract amendments.
▪ Communication to Official Entities (Social Security, SEF, etc).
▪ Communication to the Insurer of in’s and out’s.
▪ Medical Examination Control.
▪ Monthly Salary Processing.
▪ Pawn Control.
▪ Preparation of payment files.
Business Management
Project and company management in the business sectors where E-sycare fits, based on economic, financial and operational objectives.
We manage your business for you, set goals, and strive to achieve them.